Tora ni Tsubasa Season 1 (Episode 1-30 Added) (Japanese Drama) Japan’s first school to teach law exclusively to women was established in 1929. The women gathered...
Ano Ko no Kodomo Season 1 (Episode 1-11 Added) (Japanese Drama) Kawakami Sachi is a normal second-year high school student with a peaceful family. Her parents...
Thirteen Years Of Dust Season 1 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) It tells the story of a series of serial homicides in Nandu thirteen years ago. Wei Zheng...
All Of Her Season 1 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) Five years ago, Yan Zhen purposely married Chu Ze Jia to gain access to the Anshi group, only...
Fateful Love Season 1 (Episode 29 Added) (Chinese Drama) Through unexpected circumstances, an illegitimate daughter crosses paths with the God of War. As she is forcibly...
Adventure Behind the Bronze Door (Episode 14-20 Added) (Chinese Drama) The story takes place five years after the main series ended. After Wu Xie found a...
Chasing Love Season 1 (Episode 1-10 Added) (Chinese Drama) The drama revolves around the complex emotions and secrets between the down-and-out daughter Ouyang Yue, bodyguard Qin...
Wind Direction Season 1 (Episode 1-6 Added) (Chinese Drama) 17-year-old Cheng Miao Miao and her brother, 16-year-old Cheng Ya Ya, were born in the No. 1...
Kung Fu Games (2024) Notorious fighters are trapped in lethal martial arts games by a sadistic magnate. Armed only with their combat skills, they face brutal...
Original Sin Season 1 (Episode 1-24 Added) (Chinese Drama) This drama tells the story of forensic doctor Dai Yu, who dares not take off his gloves,...