Deadly Class Season 1 (Complete) A coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of late 1980s counterculture, which follows a disillusioned teen recruited into a storied high...
Surprised by Oxford (2023) Brilliant but emotionally-guarded Caro Drake arrives in Oxford with the singular goal of attaining her PhD, but through a turbulent friendship with...
The Wishing Tree (2012) A special Christmas tree decorated with handwritten wishes helps Evan and his group of orphaned students develop a connection and a sense...
The Eggsplosive Easter (2024) – Ukraine Movie Since the war started, Ivan Zabiyaka, a former Ukrainian railroad worker from the Kharkiv region, has become erratic. Now,...
The Train of Death (2024) – Indonesia Movie Bloody terror wiped out the Sangkara Train carriages one by one, putting passengers at risk of life and...
The Inheritance (2024) A billionaire on the eve of his 75th birthday, invites his estranged children back home out of fear that tonight someone or something...
Bigfoot Exorcist (2024) A demonic cult summons Bigfoot to kill. Claude gets attacked, inheriting Bigfoot’s curse to turn into a bloodthirsty beast nightly. A nun exorcist...
Whatever It Takes (2023) Enter the holidays. It’s Thanksgiving weekend, snow is falling, Christmas is on the horizon and the promises of the New Year are...
Latency (2024) When Hana, a professional gamer who suffers from acute agoraphobia, receives new equipment that enhances her game, she begins to wonder if it is...
The Pastor (2024) In a forgotten part of town overrun by a ruthless gang, a community struggles with its faith as they see their neighborhoods torn...