Haunt Season (2024) A masked maniac targets cast members at a suburban Halloween haunt attraction, turning their staged injuries into gruesome real-life horrors. As the terror...
Gorre Puranam (2024) – Bollywood Movie A sheep named Ram dreams of reaching a perfect spot, it has long admired from a hilltop. But faces turmoil...
Jurnal Risa by Risa Saraswati (2024) – Indonesia Risa is known to have supernatural that enable her to communicate with supernatural beings. This film will present horror...
10 Days of a Curious Man (2024) – Turkish When a young woman goes missing in Istanbul, a jaded writer gets tangled up in a deadly...
Outer Banks Season 4 (Complete) On an island of haves and have-nots, teen John B enlists his three best friends to hunt for a legendary treasure...
Avatar Purusha 2 (2024) – Bollywood Movie A battle rages between Dharka and Brahma for the Trishanku Mani. Jois’ death leads Ashta to alert Dharka of...
Not Others Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) When high school student Kim Eun Mi discovered that she was pregnant, her entire life changed in an instant....
Heartbeat Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) Seon Woo Hyul is a vampire who wants to become a human but ended up becoming half-human when he woke...
Disclaimer Season 1 (Episode 7 Added) Follows Catherine Ravenscroft, a television documentary journalist whose work has been built on revealing the transgressions of long-respected institutions. VIDEO...
Face Me Season 1 (Episode 1 Added) (Korean Drama) Cha Jeong U was an emergency medicine doctor who lost his lover in a mysterious incident. After...