Dog Man (2025) Dog Man, half dog and half man, he is sworn to protect and serve as he doggedly pursues the feline supervillain Petey the...
The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep (2025) Hired to probe seaside village attacks, mutant monster hunter Geralt unravels an age-old conflict between humans and sea people...
Harley Quinn Season 5 (Episode 6 Added) The series focuses on a single Harley Quinn, who sets off to make it on her own in Gotham...
Arcane Season 2 (Episode 1 – 9 Added) Set in Utopian Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun, the story follows the origins of two iconic...
American Dad Season 1 – 4 (Complete) The escapades of Stan Smith, a conservative C.I.A. Agent dealing with family life, and keeping America safe. VIDEO...