Lubber Pandhu (2024) -Bollywood Movie Set against the rural backdrop, explores gully cricket stars Gethu and Anbu’s intense rivalry. Anbu’s romantic involvement with Gethu’s daughter escalates...
Sucha Soorma (2024) – Bollywood Movie A 100+ year-old story of the legendary rebel, the famous Punjab da Kissa, Sucha Soorma! VIDEO INFORMATION Filename: -Sucha.Soorma.2024.540p.x265.AAC.[].mkv Filesize:...
Petta Rap (2024) – Bollywood Movie “PETTA RAP” tells the love journey of BALA (a middle class man whose ambition is to become the best action...
Kangaroo (2024) – Bollywood Movie A newly transferred police officer Prithvi is assigned a missing case. It leads to other instances where he gets trapped and...
Bagheera (2024) – Bollywood Movie When society turns into a jungle, just one predator cries out for justice. VIDEO INFORMATION Filename: -Bagheera.2024.540p.x265.AAC.[].mkv Filesize: -378 MB Duration:...
Martin (2024) – Bollywood Movie A journey of a man discovering himself, finding love and fighting for his motherland. Can he hold the fort on all...
Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da (2024) – Bollywood Movie As a couple navigates their path, they must learn to surrender to the people they love, even...
Kishkindha Kaandam (2024) – Bollywood Movie Strange events unfold in a monkey-inhabited village, prompting a newlywed pair and forest officials to embark on a mission to...
Yudhra (2024) – Bollywood Movie A young man consumed by vengeance Yudhra infiltrates a cartel to avenge his murdered parents, only to discover a dark truth...
A.R.M (2024) – Bollywood Movie Set in the Northern Kerala in 1900, 1950 and 1990, three generations of heroes, Maniyan, Kunjikelu and Ajayan, try to protect...