Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty Season 1 (Compete) (Chinese Drama) When the dark evil immortal descends from the heaven, and the mysterious underground ghost palace was...
Insect Detective Season 1 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) The police are investigating a case that involves a death directly caused by a rare bug known as the...
Insect Detective Season 2 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) Tan Jing Tian and Jin Ling go to Thailand for an exchange program, where they meet Thai Chief...
Limited 72 Hours of Love (Episode 18-21 Added) (Chinese Drama) Su Nuan Nuan, a 25-year-old blind box designer, has a terrible birthday filled with overtime, misunderstandings,...
Lost Identity Season 1 (Episode 13-18 Added) (Chinese Drama) It tells the story of Ou Xiao An, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party, who...
Lost You Forever Season 1 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) The world of Dahuang was once divided into three kingdoms: Xiyan, Chenrong, and Haoling. Xiyan and Chenrong were...
Lost You Forever Season 2 (Episode 1-10 Added) (Chinese Drama) The story continues with Xiyan Cang Xuan establishing his rule over the Kingdom of Xiyan, Tushan...
Her Fantastic Adventures Season 1 (Episode 12 Added) (Chinese Drama) It tells the story of Qi Chun Jiao, an athletic girl who accidentally turns into Gu...
The Legend of Heroes Season 1 (Complete) (Chinese Drama) A gathering of great warriors brings forth a joyful martial art world. A new tradition reboots...
The Princess Royal (Episode 1-23 Added) (Chinese Drama) Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan married at the age of 18. Li Rong used Pei Wen Xuan’s...