Extracurricular Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) Extracurricular” is centered around four high school students who start committing crimes to earn money and the unpredictable dangers they...
Unmasked Season 1 (Episode 1-2 Added) (Korean Drama) A comedy-drama that tells the story of an investigative reporting crew centered on the team leader, Trigger, who...
Chocolate Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) The story of a man who became a neurosurgeon, though he dreamed of becoming a cook, and a woman who...
Thirty-Nine Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) Leaning on each other through thick and thin, a trio of best friends stand together as they experience life, love...
The Good Detective Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) AWhen doubts arise about a five-year-old murder conviction, a veteran detective partners with a young hotshot to...
Yumi’s Cells Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) Controlled by a complex network of cells, each and every human on the planet is kept running by...
Stock Struck Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) Five people who invested in the stock market take part in a mysterious stock meeting. There, they learn about...