Red Swan Season 1 (Completed) (Korean Drama) O Wan Su reached the top of her sport as a golf player. Dreaming of having a perfect life...
The Plot (2024) The story is about a hitman named Brain who suffers an accident during a murder and struggles to survive while suspecting everyone around...
My Sweet Mobster Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) It is a tale of redemption and new beginnings. Seo Ji Hwan, a former gangste, embarks on a...
Angels Last Mission Love (Completed) (Korean drama) Dan is an angel. He is also a troublemaker and also an optimist. Yeon-Seo is a ballerina who does...
Wonderland (2024) In ‘Wonderland’, a virtual world where A.I. simulates reunions, a 20-year-old woman requests to meet her comatose lover, and a 40-year-old man requests to...
The Roundup: Punishment (2024) Detective Ma Seok-do joins the Cyber Investigation Team to nab Baek Chang-ki, a former mercenary and the head of an online gambling...
The Plot (2024) The story is about a hitman named Brain who suffers an accident during a murder and struggles to survive while suspecting everyone around...
The Auditors Season 1 (Episode 1 – 5 Added) (Korean Drama) An office investigative drama that depicts the ups and downs of teamwork between a cool-headed...
Good Partner Season 1 (Episode 1 – 4 Added) (Korean Drama) Cha Eun Kyung is a 17-year veteran star lawyer at Law Firm Daejung. Her specialty...
The Whirlwind Season 1 (Complete) (Korean Drama) (Sub Added) Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president,...